Nutrition: The bigger part of the picture…..

Recovery. Fuel. Balance. Enjoyment. Energy. Family. Nourishment. Satisfaction. Health.


Fitness & Nutrition works together, you can't out train a poor diet, wear tomorrow what you do today!  Quality food that balances your blood sugar is the solution to health and well-being. Some people find it easier than others to shed excess fat and the answers may lie outside of eating patterns, it could be current exercise regime, genetics, stress, poor digestive health, menopause, metabolic issues or lack of rest and rejuvenation.  

Paula works on providing clients with the education to make better choices and balance their meal plans with practical tools for everyday life. Plans provide macro, portion and calorie guidance to match your goals. Educate yourself on your needs with a plan to help reach full energy potential and how to reset yourself when it goes wrong.

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Paula Duggan Fitness provides one off consultations for general guidance or weekly/monthly coaching


Meal planning support to match training levels is provided with personalised plans for individuals goals.

Fad diets don't work - well initially yes, but the metabolic disaster that can occur thereafter is not worth it. Eating a good diet is a journey not a fad.

Paula Duggan Fitness will take you on an educational journey to better health.